InterNations Charity Tennis Tournament

Second Edition of InterNations – Handicap International Luxembourg charity tennis tournament
Play tennis and help children suffering from malnutrition !
The tournament will take place from the 1st of April to the 30th of June 2018.
Registration fee : 20 €
All the raised funds will be donated to support Handicap International’s projects avoiding disabilities of children suffering from malnutrition. Indeed malnutrition causes or worsens physical and mental disabilities. Thanks to food distribution, physiotherapy and early stimulation, disabilities can be treated or prevented.
With 100 €, you can change a child’s life.
How to register ?
Click on the “Sponsor this fundraiser” button and make a gift of at least 20 € to validate your registration.
Please indicate your level (low/mid/high) into the field “Leave a good luck message”
Amount of the gift are free
Examples : I register: 20 €/ I help to save a child: 50€ / I save a child: 100 €
Tournament rules
- There will be 3 types of groups based on the level of the players (low, mid and high). All players of one group are going to play against each other within 3 months.
- The players have to agree upon the date and the place of their matches.
- Participants will play only singles and the normal playing time will be 1 hour, but players can decide to play longer.
- We are not playing the set system, but only counting the games (a result of 12 – 8 for instance is possible).
- The final winners of the groups are the players with the best win-loss ratio. If this is equal for more players, we are going to look at the ratio of the number of games won and lost.
- The winners will be announced on 5th of July during a special evening organised by InterNations and Handicap International. Gifts will be offered to the winner of each group.
Photo © Sébastien Rieussec / HI

Personal messages from supporters